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  • Proficiency testing

    Qualification proficiency Program VET TEST


    SSRILDVSE is an accredited provider for proficiency testing in accordance with DSTU EN ISO/ІЕС 17043:2017 “Conformity assessment. General requirements for professional level verification” over chemical-toxicological, microbiological, bacteriological, immunological, virological, pathomorphological and molecular genetic researches.

    It organizes and conducts interlaboratory comparative tests to meet the requirements of DSTU EN ISO / IEC 17043 in accordance with the approved calendar plan of the proficiency testing program (hereinafter – PTP) “VET-TEST” for the year.

    If you are interested, you need to fill out an application for participation in the rounds of the PTP “VET-TEST” program and send a scanned version signed by the Head of the institution to the e-mail address: qm.dndildvse@gmail.com, be sure to indicate the USREOU (ЄДРПОУ) code.

    SSRILDVSE follows the procedure of comparing the results obtained from participants using different test methods or using a specific method.

    • Information on the use of methods by participants of PTP “VET-TEST” is indicated in the “Calendar plan of the program of proficiency testing” VET-TEST “.
    • The results of the participants and all information related to the participation in the PTP “VET-TEST” of a particular laboratory are confidential, unless the openness of the round is declared separately by the provider.
    • Identification of participants (assignment of codes) is carried out by responsible specialists who are not involved in the production of samples, calculation of results and issuance of reports.


    The date of the round is indicated in the Instructions for the participant, which is provided together with the sample. The report on participation in the round is formed within one or two months after its completion and is sent to the participant in electronic form together with the Certificate of participation.


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